Matteo Firmi was born in Trieste (Italy), on 21th of February 1984. He started taking trumpet lessons at the Filarmonica di Santa Barbara in Muggia at the age of 6. The following years he continued his trumpet study at the Tartini conservatory in Trieste with the teachers Cal, Bellucco, Cudiz, Ferrari and Morosini. Furthermore he studied direction for wind orchestra at ISEB (European High School for Band Study) with the teachers Jan Cober for conducting, Felix Hauswirth for repertoire and Carlo Pirola for band instrumentation. He also did courses in choral and choir direction with maestro Adriano Martinolli D’Arcy at the Conservatory of Trieste as well as he took composition classes with Franco Cesarini at ISEB, and in the composition laboratory ‘Alla Leopolda’ in Florence.Later on in life Matteo attended master classes at the Conservatory of Udine with Jan van der Roost and Johan de Meij. At the moment Matteo is the conductor of Banda dei Donatori del Sangue di Villesse ( Band of Blood Donors), the choir Duomo di Muggia and he works as a critic for musicals for the webzine www.amicidelmusical.it.
Concert Band
Funny Sketches
€79.90Genre Beginning Band / Concert Music Grade 2 Composer Firmi, Matteo -